Ascended masters are spiritually enlightened beings who are believed to have been human in past lives. They are part of the Great White Brotherhood, which also includes Elohim and Archangels. In Christianity, many people believe Jesus is an ascended master.
“The Ascended Masters have been here since the beginning of civilization. Humanity’s modern form originated 18 million years ago. The Ascended Masters are born directly from specific Elohim and play key roles in propelling human and planetary ascension forward.
Ascended Masters are not part of the normal evolutionary cycle of souls. They are direct projections from higher-dimensional Elohim
(starting from the 7th dimension and above). The Purpose of the Ascended Masters is they are inserted into reality like wild cards—not bound by evolutionary cycles, but instead acting as: Catalysts for higher consciousness, Spiritual teachers & system architects, and Guides for civilizations, ensuring evolution continues.
Ascended Masters don’t evolve like normal souls—
they are pre-formed divine beings. They are not here to learn, but to accelerate humanity’s evolution by raising collective consciousness. They do not accumulate karma and are not bound by the laws of cause and effect.
Ascended Masters create an energy construct or merkabah to maintain their high frequency while incarnate.
Their merkabah is an energetic spacecraft which is a self-built frequency bubble. It lets them maintain a higher intuitive functionality even in a low-frequency physical reality.
They serve as spiritual architects, teachers, and guides across civilizations. They are not bound by karma and operate purely from divine cause. Many have male & female aspects (e.g., Jesus & Mary Magdalene, Babaji & Mataji). Saint Germain & Babaji are two of the most powerful Ascended Masters still influencing Earth today.