“It is greatly helpful to be able to have advanced mindsets, but as we say, when you are still supporting humanity you can easily be traumatized by still seeing and observing humanity’s choices, and when you’re constantly working diligently to raise your frequency vibrations and spread love and joy, and you are still noticing people refusing to grow, refusing to step up and refusing to help themselves.
They are not doing it to be in spite of you, they’re doing the best that they can and they think and have assumptions that they’re right and that their routines and behaviors are how a good normal human being must and shall always be. And you know the difference between how humanity was supposed to be and how humanity was supposed to evolve. And you know the shortcomings, if you wanted to label them as such now.
We are saying that many people who are advanced in their perspective still need a Soul family. Still need friends. Still need to communicate and share their journeys with each other.
These experiences are potential tools for you to be able to gain more respect, tolerance, and perspectives to support those who are around you that are at a denser vibration.”
Now That You Have Awakened, Conversations With Heaven On Earth, pgs. 241 – 242.