“Your every thought, word, and deed sends a ripple into the human pond of human consciousness.
Your negative energies are weak ripples that do not travel far.
Your positive energies are powerful ripples — transmissions of love from the Source itself that you allow to flow freely through you.
When you say a kind word to another, you allow the Source to flow its love through you to that person.
When you acknowledge yourself, you allow the light within to bubble up to the surface and shine more brightly.
When you feel a tiny bit of compassion for anyone, especially someone who annoys you, in that moment, you are granting the vibration of mercy to all.
You are never insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant to the One.Your smallest choices have a powerful impact on the field.
Your Love, dear ones, can help and assist in elevating all beings.
So, rather than feeling powerless to change your world, realize that you change the world in every moment.”