Louise Hay teaches us that judgement and criticism become a habit that can be hard to break for many of us. Take a few moments to notice your inner dialogue. Are you seeing the world through critical eyes? Do you judge everything? Do you stand in self-righteousness? Do any of these statements ring true for you?
Why are there so many bad drivers?
- People are so stupid.
- I’m such a jerk.
- I’d do it if I weren’t so fat.
- Those are the ugliest clothes I’ve ever seen.
When we judge, we make someone or something wrong. To be able to love ourselves we have to release judgement. Drop all criticism. Refuse to criticise or judge yourself. Criticism only brings you down. It doesn’t create positive change.
Criticism locks us into the very pattern we’re trying to change. Whereas understanding, compassion and being gentle with ourselves, helps us move out of it.
Self-acceptance is required. Be willing to accept yourself exactly as you are in this moment.