“The teachings of Gautam, the BUDDHA, are all about being in the middle. ( Not in the past, which is dead, and not in the future which is not yet born and totally non-existent). Gautam BUDDHA’s teachings are to be in the present. It is the path of total acceptance, of the NOW – HERE.
The ever-changing creation, the eternal law which creates the tree, flowers & fruit from a seed, the balance of all the matter in this universe, is in sync with the eternal law. The eternal law is taking care of everything in this creation, from the smallest blade of grass to the farthest of the star, and that is the thread that interconnects all the creation with each other.
To be in sync with the eternal law is to be in the present.
The law which is not biased, the law which is the creator, the preserver & the destroyer, the law which was, is, and will always be, is the law which is beyond time, beyond limits.
This eternal law became the main teaching of the BUDDHA or ‘ES DHAMMO SANANTANO’.
This eternal law is constantly changing, moment to moment, to be in sync with the law. (We don’t have an alternative, though the mind and the EGO want to be the doer, we are also part of the eternal law.) This is the path to NIRVANA. The eternal law is not in the past, is not in the future, it is here, now, in the Present.
To be in the present is the sum of all.”