“Faith, needless to say, is a very dynamic vibration. It is the combined vibration of the mighty Ascension Attitudes of love, praise, and gratitude. It is one with the vibration of My Holy Spirit. Therefore, when faith is set in motion, it makes possible the everlasting affinity between your soul and My Light.
You have used faith many times. You have used faith in troubles to bring upon yourself the things you feared. You may have used faith in poverty to keep yourself in want. You have used faith in limitation to hold your talents back. You have used faith in physical breakdown and old age to destroy the reality of your life force, the reality of eternal youth. You have used faith in short lifetimes to keep yourself in bondage to the cycles of birth, childhood, old age, and death: rebirth, childhood, old age, death.
Since faith has been used so many times to bring destruction upon yourself, you have already practiced using great and mighty faith. Now all you need to do is reverse your attitude and lend your faith to Me, using it to invite the unfoldment of the sacred pattern, or miracle, which is trapped within your soul.
A miracle is merely a manifestation, in the earth realm, of perfection that exists already in the timeless realm of Being. Miracles could be happening every day among my children if all lived upward toward the Christhood level, refusing to be held back by false belief.
Exercising great and mighty faith means looking inward toward the Christ, not outward at the darkness. Faith is far more than belief. Faith means the heart has opened wide, it is radiating its dynamic vibration, it is ready to be filled with Light.”
The Door Of Everything, Ruby Nelson, p. 63 – 64.