“Full evolution of the soul — what does that mean?
Imagine you are one light in a million lights. Your small light contributes to the whole. And your experiences, which may seem to be in isolation, are never in isolation because every life currently lived on this manifest plane is contributing to the whole.
You believe yourselves to be separate. You are not separate. You are in an illusion of separation.
There is a collective soul as well as a separate soul. You may think of this as a collective mind. This collective awareness contributes to all souls’ advancement.
And the choice of the species to evolve beyond its current limits is not an act of God as much as it is a collective agreement to move beyond a bias, or system of separation, that has been accrued over time.
The collective, made of the individual, is present in all ways.
The collective learns through the experience of individuals.
The raindrop is of the whole. It is of the pool it lands in, as it was of the cloud it came from. While the experience of the raindrop is singular, it is never … not of the whole.
How you have perceived yourself in separation has greatly limited the awareness that is now available to you. If you wish to imagine, for a moment, that the consciousness you hold is not bound by form, and you could enter into any world and learn from what world you enter, you would actually be accurate.
In fact, this is already happening. There are aspects of you, beyond form, that are in experience in multiple strata, accruing other information and experience, and aligning to Source through these experiences. Because the soul is always in evolution, it cannot be static.”
Resurrection, Paul Selig, p. 191-2.