“Look at the abundance of nature, of the beauty all around you, and recognize Me in everything. How many times during the day as you walk to and fro do you look at the wonders all around you and give thanks for everything? Much of the time you are in such a hurry you miss a great deal and fail to absorb these wonders and beauties which would lift and refresh your very soul. It is a question of opening your eyes and being sensitive and aware. Start right now becoming more and more aware of the things that matter in life, the things that gladden the heart, refresh the Spirit and lift the consciousness. The more beauty you absorb, the more beauty you can reflect. The more love you absorb, the more love you have to give. The world needs more and more love, beauty, harmony and understanding, and you are the one to give it forth. Why not open your heart now and do it?” www.findhorn.org