“Fear, doubt, lack of trust and self sabotage are all expressions of unbalanced lower 3 chakras. First, you have to disconnect from these feelings to purify your capacity for more positives. Perhaps allowing deep meditation or walking outside in nature would help to clear your state of mind and help you to feel that clarity of mind and emotions.
Release the thoughts of past hurts and the pain that may have contributed to these unhealthy attitudes.
However, when such emotions come up for you to revisit, it is often occurring for deeper healing. Go into what continues to cause you those doubts and fears. What has happened to give you such negative energies? Consider what are you avoiding now. As each of us learns and grows, we are better able to see those unhealed wounds from a new perspective and eventually release and heal them for good.
If you feel you are not worthy of the opportunities coming to you now or of your abundance, then you will block it from coming to you. The power of belief is so strong. You must feel deep down you can do something to manifest the life you want. Start to believe that you are worthy of it! Valuing your worth is your primary mission in life, your gift to have and your skill that is worth sharing. After all, your heart is worth loving. ❤
You can manifest all of your dreams but you must release all of your doubts within. Let go of all of your fears within. Be in a state of trust. Trust the universe and yourself! Know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Be open-hearted and open-minded to receive in many different ways and forms. Often what we dream of is presented to us in different ways. Be ready to accept the new opportunities that come each day!
A great start to help you dream and manifest your new future is a vision board. Make one! Meditate on it. Pray for it. Say affirmations. They do work! Once you release the doubts and believe and trust, things will begin to shift for you. 🌈”