Your Personalities Are Expanding ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You will discover new depths to your own personalities as you begin to integrate more of the aspects of who you have been in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. You are multifaceted and multidimensional, and the parts of your personality that have yet to reveal themselves are the parts that you have been denying for one reason or another.

It doesn’t really matter how these parts of your personality have been suppressed. All that matters is that they are reemerging, and you are going to find that you are much more than you ever thought you were previously. If there was a trait that you always admired in others but didn’t feel that you had yourself, you can expect that trait to reveal itself to you in the coming weeks, months, and years.

You are actualizing these aspects of yourself because you have come to a time where the integration process is being accelerated. This acceleration is due to a variety of factors, including your readiness to handle more of the energy that you are. You are energetic beings, and you are vast beings. Parts of your personality correspond to parts of that energy that you are. So turning on those parts of your personality is activating more of the energy that you are, which gives you more of a complete version of yourself.

You are becoming your higher self. You are actualizing different aspects of you that have been hidden, locked away, or even suppressed. Again, this has occurred for a variety of reasons, some of which are due to socialization, some are due to upbringing, and others are due to the past life experiences that the aspect of you had.

So you can see why you would suppress an aspect of your personality if it reminded you of, even on a subconscious level, a past life experience that you would not like to relive in this one. But you are here now facing everything, and hopefully embracing it as well, because it serves you very much to allow all of these parts of your personalities to come forward, to be acknowledged, and to be options that you can activate and experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Stay Present And Fearless


“What if, what if, what if …”  These are two words you would be wise to avoid if they engender feelings of fear and dread.  The human mind is programmed to build stories after words such as these, for what are words but building blocks which strung together which create scenarios that may or may not be based on Truth.

“What if” denotes a future not yet arrived, yet all you are ever sure of is here and now.  What if you stay present?  What if you notice the peace that comes as you do not fear the future?  What if you love yourself enough to focus on the love and peace that are right here right now? What if, indeed.”

Activating Your Divinity Codes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There is no doubt that you are making the transition to the fifth dimension. There is only speculation on your part, and on the parts of all of us, as to when that will occur. You are facing the challenges that you have placed before yourselves with a strength that few of us who are watching you could have imagined, and we are very pleased with your progress. However, we have noticed that you have a tendency to be very hard on yourselves.

You have a tendency to believe that you should be further along than you are, that you should be able to manifest everything that you desire in your reality by now. You have a tendency to wonder whether you are going to make it, whether you are going to complete your ascension process in this lifetime.

We understand where these doubts come from. You are programmed to believe in something outside of yourselves, more than you are encouraged to seek out the strength within you and the knowing within you of how wonderful you are, how perfect you are, and how adept you are at handling the challenges you face.

We see you from the perspective of very loving teachers and helpers, and therefore we see your successes more clearly than you do, and we are aware of how much progress you make every time you face one of the challenges in your life. We want you to know how sacred you are, how valuable you are, and we want to help you to activate within you the codes for your experience of the Divinity within you.

There are Divinity codes that exist inside each and every one of you, and they are waiting to be activated so that you may understand fully and embrace fully your Divine nature, your Divine origins, and the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. Once you begin to feel that and live it, your Divinity will be undeniable. You will not be able to ignore the Divinity within you. You will not be able to suppress it. And to the contrary, you will embrace yourselves as Divine Beings.

You will see every obstacle that has ever been placed in front of you as a means to an end. The end, the very important end, is to arrive at the place where you are able to recognize yourselves as the Divine Beings who were able to access everything that you needed in order to move you forward on your journey.

Most importantly, however, you are meant to recognize the Divinity that exists within you, even when you are faced with your challenges, the ones that cause you the most pain and suffering. When you can see the Divinity within you in your darkest moments, that’s when you know that you have achieved what you came here to achieve. Ascension will just be an afterthought.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Milk Every Moment

“Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, “It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I’m going, no matter what I’m doing, no matter who I’m doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I’m wanting to see, to look for things that feel good,” and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration—the more the Universe understands that that’s who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!”

Abraham-Hicks, 5/9/99

Message from Ann & the Angels

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Being human is a beautiful experience when you realize you can take charge of your inner world.

Being human can be a very difficult experience when you feel disconnected from the Divine, and seek to control your outer world. In this scenario, happiness is a temporary experience, dependent upon the cooperation of more than seven billion other souls with whom you share your current reality, and the natural forces as well.

In fact, stress is a by-product of the illusion that you can control your outer world in order to ‘find’ happiness, peace, joy, love, security, abundance, etc.

You have very limited and short-lasting influence when you strive to control your outer world. However, as you begin to focus on controlling your inner world, then your peace, joy, abundance, and security will be long lasting. Your outer world will begin to conform to your inner.

In each moment, you are “tuning your inner radio” via thoughts and feelings to an experience that will come your way. In each moment, your belief in a loving outcome allows us to guide you towards one. In each moment, your belief in a fearful outcome blocks the grace and guidance as we attempt to assist you.

To alleviate stress, tell yourself:

  • I am not in control of the entire world.
  • I am not in control of anyone else.
  • I can only control my own thoughts and feelings.
  • When I do, my outer world will shift.

At first your mind is likely to rebel. It won’t believe these words. It may not like them. It was programmed to believe you must change your outer world first.

In fact your old programs may even cause you to throw tantrums as they sense they are being replaced! “I don’t want to change my mind. This is the right way to be! I want the world to change. I want this job to work. I want this person to love me. I want that one to go away. I won’t be happy until someone realizes how much they’ve hurt me. I refuse my own joy, my own abundance, my own peace… until life looks as I wish!”

As you can see, there is futility in insisting that the outer world change before you can feel the way you want inside.

Your influence in life is far greater if you master your own mind than if you seek to dominate, manipulate or control anyone or anything else – even your own heart!

For it is in mastering your own minds, that you “tune in” to a heavenly reality in which you will magnetize that which you seek and be gracefully, lovingly guided to your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


There Is No Death

“We’re not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You’re all going to make your transition into Non-Physical.

It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that “death” is a matter of closing one’s eyes in this dimension and literally opening one’s eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point.. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing.”

Abraham-Hicks, 9/25/01

Attracting Wonderful Results

“As you look for a better-feeling way to approach whatever you are giving your attention to; as you continue to ask yourself from your ever-changing vantage point, ‘What is it that I do want?’… Eventually you will be standing in a very pleasing place—for you cannot continually ask yourself what it is that you do want without your point of attraction beginning to pivot in that direction. The process will be gradual, but your continued application of the process will yield wonderful results in only a few days.”

Abraham-Hicks, Money and the Law of Attraction

Easter Message From Ann & the Angels

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate. Happy Passover! Happy Spring! Today we wish to speak to you about the deeper meanings of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Can you fathom that the love which looks through your eyes is the same love that looked through the eyes of Jesus Christ? The difference is in your experience. Jesus experienced His union with the Divine in each and every moment. Even when the nails were driven into His hands, He was aware of the Love that lived within him – beyond this life, body, and mind – was the same Presence of Love that lived within all others. He saw the Divine equally – in those who loved him and those who persecuted Him. He bore witness to the Presence of Love within all beings, even if they could not. He still does. This is why so many miracles are done in His name. He witnesses only your deepest truth.

And thus it is said that He ‘saved you from your sins.’ We would paraphrase this by saying that He saved you from the illusion that darkness can ever separate you from Love. In His willingness to love through the greatest of human miseries – torture, betrayal, beating, death, denial, ignorance, greed, hatred, fear – He lifted the entire fabric of human consciousness into a new realm of possibility for love.

He lived and demonstrated the truth that light is, and always will be, more powerful than darkness, and that even when the darkness attempts to kill the light, it cannot triumph. His body was killed and yet through the entire process He knew he was not the body. He knew that His spirit was eternal. In his complete understanding of this Truth, He was able to forgive his torturers and even breathe life back into His physical body.

Just as the Christ light lived within Jesus, so too the Christ light, the Divine love, the spark of the Source lives in you. This light sources you and shapes you as surely as the ocean sources and shapes a wave. There is, and never can be, a separation from the Divine. You either experience the love that breathes life into you, or you block it. You either feel the love for all of life that wants to flow through you or you block it.

So while the body of Jesus did indeed resurrect, the deeper meaning of the resurrection is there is no pain, no darkness, no betrayal, denial, or abuse so powerful that it can kill the love within you. With the power of your will you can Resurrect Love in this world… any time you choose. With dedication, you too can embody Love so thoroughly that the darkness of the world cannot rob you of the experience of this light.

Dear ones, It is in your willingness to acknowledge the presence of light within yourself and even the darkest among you, that you resurrect love and allow light to triumph over dark, love to triumph over hate, and Truth to triumph over the illusions that you or anyone else could ever be separate from this love.

Happy Passover. Happy Easter. Happy Spring. Happy present moment in which you can embody and resurrect love… right here, right now.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”

Sanaya Explains Defensiveness


“Defensiveness. When you find yourself wanting to explain your words or actions, pause for a moment. What is your motive? Will your explanation help the other or merely improve the way you are perceived? Will the other be open to what you have to say?

Jump ahead as if you have defended your words or actions. Do you feel better? Most likely. Does the other? Perhaps not, unless you have imbued your defense with love and true concern for the other, not just the self. This can be done, but it takes care. Be care-ful when you feel defensiveness taking over, for it can have a mind of its own. Perhaps you can send love instead of words. The effect can be the same, if not greater.”