Come Home To Your Inner Child

One of the prevalent traits of the transformational energies you are currently in is the opportunity to come to a place of peace with past trauma. Much of our Trauma and Karmic Patterns In this Incarnation are sometimes due to The Lack of Self Love and Healing our Inner Child.

HEAL The Inner Child and The Adult will Appear.
Reclaiming the inner child is part of the Healing Process.. Often the inner child holds information and feelings for the adult.

Some of these feelings are painful; others are actually fun.
The child holds the playfulness and innocence the adult has had to bury.

Healing The Inner Child.

Having been incarnated on this planet at this particular juncture in time means that we all have an inner child within.

A child whose needs maybe went unmet, who was violated in some form or another, who experienced neglect, invalidation, or who simply did not receive the nurture, love, and care that they were worthy of.

Our guardians upon growing up could only give what they had inside of themselves and evolution means that each generation tries to do better than the previous one. It may seem unsettling to understand this, but our souls CHOSE our specific incarnations – we chose our family, time, and place. This is because our souls wanted to experience certain things and take on quite a specific journey.

If we look deeply within, we can see that deep down – some of our most basic needs were not met. Maybe we had all the material wealth but lacked affection and nurturing. Or in other cases, maybe we experienced abuse at the very hands of those that were meant to look after us. As soon as we are born, we are completely dependent upon adult caregivers – our very survival depends upon them. And so we learn to conform to the expectations of these adults and society itself for our every survival – often at the expense of our true authentic self and emotions.

Most people tend to carry on, learning to be harsher and harsher with themselves and their emotions; they carry on the legacy of self-berating which has already been indoctrinated into them in their formative years. We learn to ignore what we feel and what our very intuition and bodies themselves are telling us. This leads to a whole host of problems such as anxiety, depression, or ptsd.

To be kinder to others is to be kinder with ourselves first. As within, so without. We make the mistake of trying to ‘be good’ and ‘fit in’ when inside we are screaming for something else. We try to push that little voice down, ignore the wrench in our gut, push aside the intuition that says ‘no, not this.’ All of this is to our very own detriment, which leads to us being exhausted from this continuing inner battle. When we feel loved within, sustained, and safe from within, we are grounded and are better able to navigate our earthly journey. This love needs to come from ourselves.

Instead of continuously looking outwards to make that nagging annoyance go away, we actually need to do the opposite – turn inwards. The next drink, smoke, shopping spree, or even codependency with another will not appease what is calling for our attention; because what is calling to us is our inner child. Start the process of getting to know your inner child – feel deep within and meet yourself, it is time for you to now parent yourself to heal any fractured sense of self.

Intuitively, the inner child is always there and available for us to communicate with. When we are triggered, sometimes what we say can even sound like the tantrum of a child! This is because the part of you that is triggered is that every child that is feeling trauma repeated again and again. Go within, and speak to the little you that resides within – they may even range in terms of age. If it helps, find an old picture of yourself as a child, and begin LOVING this child. What does he or she want? Are they feeling scared? Do they need soothing? Tell this child that you are here now and you will not abandon them again.

Tell them all that you wished you were told -and you will know what this is individually for you – nurture and soothe this crying child, parent them and heal from within. This young you that resides within you is worthy of all the love and beauty that this world has to offer – you already know this to your core. How can you look at yourself as a child and not know otherwise? This different way of speaking to yourself is self-love and compassion; it truly is one of the foundations of healing inner wounds which otherwise play out in a repeated pattern unconsciously.

Learn to love yourself – every aspect of you –

love yourself in such a way that you are filled with love 

and it overflows into every part of your life. Your inner child will keep calling for your attention and the less we listen, the louder the calls will get until it turns into a child screaming and pleading for your attention. It is no coincidence that you are reading this – your inner child has already called for your attention and is waiting.Blessed be on your journey.I Am.
You Are.
We Are.

Mike Harrigan

The Inside-Out Understanding

“The essence of the inside-out understanding is that we live in the feeling of our thinking.

It really looks like when we feel fear, it’s warning us about something outside, as opposed to just the feeling of the thinking that we’re having at the moment.

It really seems to us that when we feel guilty, it’s because we did something wrong, not because that’s what the thinking that we’re having at that moment feels like.

We think we’re living in the feeling of circumstances. We think our feelings are related to specific things in the outside world. When we feel hopeless and despairing, we think it’s based on data, so we need to manipulate the outside world in order to feel the way we want to feel.

But have you noticed what a difficult game that is? Have you noticed how tiring it is to try and manipulate the world in order to feel okay?

The game of life doesn’t work that way. The game of life where you meet the right person, have the right babies, put them in the right schools and make the right amount of money doing the right job is not the game of happiness and well-being and fulfillment.

Yes, it’s the game we play in our society and our culture, with our values. But if it doesn’t look like a game to you – if it looks like getting the right things in life is the secret to happiness.

If it looks like the only way you’ll ever truly be okay is when you have this amount of money, this amount of love, these people in your life – then you’re screwed, but you’re not screwed because you’re doing anything wrong. You’re screwed because it doesn’t work that way.”

Michael Neill, A Daily Dose of Caffeine for the Soul,

“When you function in love, your inside creates your outside.  When you function in fear, your outside creates your inside.” Drunvalo Melchizedek

When You Change Your Thinking You Change Everything

“Everything starts deep within you. If you lack anything, seek deep within and you will find that your faith has been wavering or doubts and fears of lack assail you and have taken possession of your thoughts and therefore you find yourself suffering from lack.
When you can face this squarely, raise your consciousness into the realms where there is no lack, because you realize every good and perfect gift comes from Me the Lord your God; that all your needs are being met one by one; that My storehouse is never empty; that My supply is there for all to share; and that all I have is yours.


Then you realize that you can lack nothing, that that sense of lack has just been in your thinking and when you change your thinking you change everything. When you can really accept this in every situation, you will find everything around you will begin to change.”

Eileen Caddy, Findhorn Foundation,
(One of the co-founders of the Findhorn Community, Eileen Caddy, received guidance from the “still, small voice within” and shared it with the community for more than 40 years until she passed away in 2006. We continue this tradition as her guidance is as relevant today as it was when she received it.)

This Is How We Change The World

“When someone lashes out on you or acts unconsciously….If you can remember that they are just reacting through societal conditioning or earth traumas. Instead of taking it personally, you will only feel compassion and unconditional love for their perfect journey.
This is how we become unified/loving humans. It always starts with you.
True love never hurts. The pain you feel is expectations of how someone should act, be, or feel. It triggers unrealistic assumptions of a certain outcome…
Which creates disappointment.
Empathy sees through the eyes of the person in front of us.
A conscious human

sees everyone’s higher aspects working through them for their highest good and allowing them to work through their own inner stuff in their own divine timing.
In another now moment they are healed and whole.
Holding that vision instead of going into victim mode and reacting to them working through their own ‘stuff’ is unifying the field you are both playing in together.
It will allow them the opportunity to feel the unified field of Christ consciousness and remember who they truly are.

This is how we change the world.

We change ourselves and that creates a ripple effect in the Quantum realm that will then be available for all to access.”
Jen Jen Reynolds

Intuition Is Spiritual Attunement

” ‘Will you explain intuition?’ once inquired someone.

‘Yes, I can explain it in one sentence — the prompting of the spirit,’ replied the guide.

‘Intuition is the means by which the spirit becomes aware of itself; it outpaces the processes of normal earthly reasoning.  Intuition accomplishes at lightening speed what normally you would reach after much deliberation.  Intuition is that  process of attunement during which you receive that prompting which you would reach after much time and thought on the same subject.

Then, above all, is the cultivation of the spirit itself which can be accomplished in the quietness of the individual, where he can learn to attune themselves to all that power that is round and about him; where he can learn to harmonize his mind with the great minds of the larger life; where he can learn to become a better receptacle for the inspiration and wisdom, for the knowledge and truth, for all the learning that is awaiting him from the infinite storehouse, the Great Spirit.’ ”

Silver Birch Anthology – Wisdom From The World Beyond, Edited by William Naylor, p. 74-75.