Conscious Creation of Self ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are taking the idea of struggle to new heights when you look at something in your life that is not the way you would like it to be and you simply ask that things change. We know that you all are aware of the fact that you are creator beings. And therefore, you might wonder why you shouldn’t be able to just change the situation you are in with your abilities.

However, the reality that you experience is not the part that needs changing. It is you. You are the ones who must change if you want to see something outside of you reflecting that. And therefore, conscious creation of your self and your experience of reality is the path of ease. It is the path that you must be on if you are going to shift.

Everything around you is going to reflect the shift in consciousness that takes place within you as the individual. The way that you experience something is easy to shift. You just have to look at it from another angle, from another perspective. You just have to see it as perfect and as serving you. You must not allow yourselves to be triggered by the situations and circumstances that you do not like.

And then as you feel what it is that the judgment within you is creating, you can notice how what you are feeling is a match to what you are experiencing in the outer reality. Changing yourselves takes place on the level of vibration. You all think that it’s about will power. You think it’s about changing what you do, what you think and what you say, but it is about changing what you vibrate.

And vibration is something that you access within you. It’s not something you change. It’s something you tune into. So we recommend tuning yourselves to the vibration of the self that you want to be in this world, and then notice how the world around you begins to match that vibration. And know once and for all that you are in fact the conscious creator of your reality. But more importantly, you are the conscious creator of your self.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Seth – What We Should ‘Concentrate Upon’

Lynda M. Dahl did a search of Seth’s original 11 books, looking for the words, “concentrate upon” and came up with the following list:  

CONCENTRATE UPON those thoughts or feelings that give you the results that you want.

A great many unsatisfactory conditions result because individuals become frightened at various periods in their lives, doubt themselves, and begin to CONCENTRATE UPON “negative ” aspects.

Above all, do not CONCENTRATE UPON past unfavorable events, or imagined future ones.

CONCENTRATE UPON the fact that the point of power IS now.

You must CONCENTRATE UPON the attribute – not, for example, upon the fact that you have not used it well thus far.

Do not CONCENTRATE UPON any lacks, just upon your desire.

To continually reinforce negative aspects, CONCENTRATE UPON them to the exclusion of conflicting data, and so bring them into experience through natural hypnosis.

If you CONCENTRATE UPON a personal illness, you will find any improvements insignificant because of the great focus of your attention upon the negative aspects.

The main point is not to CONCENTRATE UPON the liabilities but to pursue those abilities that you have, for the great energies of your personality will be directed in those avenues.

Your love can get lost if you CONCENTRATE UPON those variations that are less than idyllic.

You get what you CONCENTRATE UPON.  Your mental images bring about their own fulfillment.

But do not CONCENTRATE UPON (your problems), nor let them close your eyes to the joys and freedoms that you have.

It is a good idea for now not to CONCENTRATE UPON that leg, or what it must do… eventually… in order for walking to take place.  It might help if now and then he imagines his walking taking place as easily and naturally as his thoughts come and go.”

(Seth is the nonphysical spiritual teacher who spoke though the author Jane Roberts.  Seth presented the furthest reaches of human potential, the eternal validity of the soul, and the concept that we create our own reality according to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.  Seth taught to access and use the tremendous source of power and wisdom within you.)

Brainwash Yourself

“I want to bring an important concept to light… now it may be a lot to take in or read at once, but hear me out. One of the most valuable concepts I have learned, is that in order to reach the level of success, self confidence, and prosperity that you desire, you have to brainwash yourself. Yes, BRAINWASH yourself.

“See, either way it goes, you are going to be brainwashed. But the question is, is who’s doing the brainwashing? Believe it or not, the world that we live in is always trying to brainwash you. They are trying to penetrate your subconscious mind.

Florence Scovel Shinn once said, “If you do not run your subconscious mind yourself, someone else will run it for you.”  The media wants to brainwash you. Certain religions want to brainwash you. Advertising companies want to brainwash you. That’s why they spend over $20 billion dollars in every year in marketing ads just to get inside your subconscious mind. They know that once they become a part of your belief system, they have a slight level of control over your decision making.

After years of research, psychologists have finally understood how the subconscious mind works and how to penetrate it at will. This is why controlling the masses isn’t hard at all.

Jim Morrison once said, “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.”

See, once you have control of one’s mind, you control what they create in their reality. So wouldn’t it be better to brainwash yourself?

🤔 Tap into your highest self, wake up, and regenerate yourself!”

Kelcie Worlow

Tell The Story You Want To Live

“It is natural that by knowing what you do not want, you are able to clarify what you do want; and there is nothing wrong with identifying a problem before beginning to look for a solution.

But many people, over time, become problem oriented rather than solution oriented, and in their

examination and explanation of the problem, they continue the perpetuation of the problem.

That which is like unto itself, is drawn—so tell the story you want to live and you will eventually live it.” 

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08

Peace And Harmony Starts With The Individual

“Everyone longs for peace in the world. They long to see mankind living in peace and harmony where there is no unrest or threats of riots, strikes and war, and they long to do something to help bring this state about, but don’t know how to do it.

First of all realize that this state of peace and harmony starts with the individual and there is so much each individual can do to help bring it about. First of all learn to go quietly about your daily round silently blessing everyone and pouring out love to them. By doing this you bring peace and harmony all around you.

When you go around feeling annoyed with someone, or are resentful and quarrelsome and are a troublemaker, you are helping to bring about war. Stop and consider this a moment and you will realize what a tremendous responsibility you hold in your hands, how your individual behavior can tip the balance of the world situation. When you can really take this to heart and do something about it, you will be doing your part to bring about peace in the world.”
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