Joyful – Joy is my natural state.

“Happiness can serve as therapy that bolsters my spirit and energizes my body. Being in touch with my inner joy helps to heal any emotional wound and has the power to reconcile relationships.

I get in touch with my inner nature in quiet times of prayer and let the joy that fills me flow

outward from me. In this way, I affect both the people and events of my life. I remain peaceful, finding the blessing in challenges. Inner joy paves the way for loving interactions and fulfilling events to unfold.

Joyfulness activates the healing energy within. When I touch that place of contentment, the cells of my body become receptive to the pure, healing life that dwells within.”

“I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” —John 15:11

Daily Word – Wholeness

I am whole and well in mind and body.

I am more than a name, a gender, or any label that might describe me. I am a creation of God, created to express life and renewal. My divine identity emanates from the most profound depths of my being.

The all-powerful spirit of God moves through me, continuing to nourish vibrant cells and replacing cells that have completed their work. I am continually being created anew. I am God’s spirit in expression as me.

My mind is capable of renewal with unlimited expanses for recollecting and collecting information. In quiet times of reflection, I open my mind to Spirit and my perceptions of all people and things are enriched.

Enlivened by Spirit, I am whole and well in mind and body.”

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them.” —Genesis 1:27

Dive In

‘Find your own groove… dance your own dance.

We came here to be unique expressions of the divine spark… not cookie cutter copies of what’s popular and socially appealing.  We are being called to dive deeper into ourselves, to find our answers within.

You will only temporarily scratch an itch by looking outside of you, because others can only inspire.  Sooner or later your soul will growl hungrily within you and the search begins again.  You think, “Maybe this reading/modality will tell me who I am?”

You won’t find yourself out there.  You need to go within.  Face all the stuff that scares you.  Look at all the things you’ve been told are true and ask are they true for you?  Be willing to drop everything and empty it all out.  Get to know yourself.  Dive in..”