Get to Know Yourself from the Inside Out

“Deep feelings are a gift; they have the capacity to transform us if we follow their wisdom. Allow yourself to feel from your core, with your heart, and let yourself be moved.

The feelings we feel so often, are our connection to the Divine, and ultimately to ourself. Let them wash over you like waves; let them heal you. Let them break you and build you.

Let them show you who you are and then let them set you free.

Feelings are what make life worth living; what inspires us to keep seeking, keep moving and keep creating. They are what drive us to keep loving even when we lose everything. Feelings decorate our souls and birth our dreams.

These feelings accompany the humble wonders of nature and the power and comfort of finding kindred connections.

When we resist our own depths, we let our life force wither and die inside of us; our creativity suffers, our relationships suffer, we wilt.

By opening our hearts wide and listening to their truth, we can, and will, set ourselves free. Our bodies are our greatest guides; they show us things we never knew about ourselves and about others. They explain important messages in ways we could never articulate with words.

The truth that sits in your gut in the form of intuition is the most powerful messenger you will ever know.

To feel so deeply and so often, means to get to know yourself from the inside out. How well do we really know ourselves? How much do we truly love ourselves?

These feelings are what we are made of, beneath this skin and bone; these feelings were first created inside stars and passed down to us through the bloodlines of ancient sages. They connect us to each other with the invisible threads of our shared experiences.

When we let ourselves feel unapologetically and share the experience, we allow others to have the courage to sink into their feelings in a more authentic way and express themselves without shame.”

By Zoe Quiney,

Message From Ann Albers & The Angels – Travel Plans For The Soul

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is purpose for everything in your world, everyone, and everything in your lives. There is value in the situations you consider good, and in the situations you consider bad. Love is attempting to surface in the kind people and in those who aren’t so kind. Everything and everyone you come across serves a purpose in your life. Every encounter offers you a chance to grow.

Before you were born, you came in with what we call “Travel Plans.” You had lessons you wanted to learn. You had contributions you wanted to make. Above all you wanted to reconnect with love, compassion, joy, and various qualities of the Divine. Some of you wanted to learn to embrace and share those qualities. Some of you wanted to learn to receive them. Some of you simply wanted to embrace love in any form.

Some of you planned your lives in great detail – who you would meet, how you would attempt to learn and grow where you would like to live, etc. Some of you came in with a rough idea of what you wanted to learn and you’re “winging it” while learning to live in trust and faith.

No matter what you planned, you have free will. You can choose to enjoy your life and look for the love, or you can choose to be victimized by it. However, when you know that everyone and everything is here to help you reconnect to love – either by inspiration or challenge – then even if you were technically a victim, it is hard to remain victimized for long.

You can, instead, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this? How can I grow? What do I need to do in this moment to treat myself with love and kindness? How can I also be honest with myself and kindly honest with all involved?”

Dear ones you came into this life eager for growth, eager for the relationships with other human beings that would catalyze your growth, eager for the situations that would help you embrace your inner light, your love, and your power to create. Sometimes these people and situations offer warm and fuzzy feelings, and joyful growth, and sometimes they do not. Nonetheless, in all cases, they are here to help you learn to love self, express self, and BE the deepest and truest you that you can be!

So, in any circumstance realize you are there to learn, to grow, to love self, to feel your connection with God. Then from that full cup you will spill over and love the light in all you encounter. As you embrace this more fully and consciously you can grow – even through the tough times – with greater ease, joy, grace, and of course, loving guidance.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”

» Source » Channel: Ann Albers

Practice Giving

In the midst of arguments or disagreements, practice giving rather than taking before you exit. Giving involves leaving the ego behind. While it wants to win and show its superiority by being contrary and disrespectful, your Tao nature wants to be at peace and live in harmony. You can reduce your quarreling time to almost zero if you practice this procedure:

Wherever you are, whenever you feel strong emotions stirring in you and you notice yourself  feeling the need to ‘be right,’ silently recite the following words from the Prayer of Saint Francis:

Where there is injury, [let me bring] pardon.

Be a giver of forgiveness as he teaches: Bring love to hate, light to darkness, and pardon to injury. Read these words daily, for they’ll help you overcome your ego’s demands and know the fullness of life.”