Fear Is Just an Absence of Love – Osho

Osho, My life seems to be governed by fear. Can you help me?

Osho – “I will help, that’s why I am here! Everybody’s life, more or less, is governed by fear, because there are only two ways to live life. Either it can be governed by love, or it can be governed by fear.

Ordinarily, unless you have learned to love, it is governed by fear.
Without love, fear is bound to be there. It is just an absence of love. It has nothing positive in it; it is just absence of love.
But if you can love, fear disappears. In the moment of love there is not even death. There is only one thing in life that conquers death and that is love. All fear is concerned with death – and only love can conquer death.
So one thing I would like to say to you is, don’t pay too much attention to fear because it becomes an autohypnosis. If you go on repeating that you live by fear, your life is governed by fear, you are dominated by fear – and fear, fear, fear – then you are helping it.
Take note of it: that your life is governed by fear – finished! It simply shows that love has not yet become so powerful that fear disappears. Fear is just a symptom, it is not a disease. There is no cure for it; there is no need. So it is just a symptom, and it is very useful because it shows you that you should not waste your life any longer. It simply says to you to love more.
So I will not talk about fear. I will help you to love more – and fear disappears as a consequence. If you start working directly on fear you strengthen it, because your whole attention will be focused on it.  It is as if somebody is trying to destroy darkness, and becomes focused, obsessed, with how to destroy darkness. You cannot destroy darkness because it is not there in the first place.
Note the fact that darkness is there – and then start working on how to bring in light.”  
Osho, Hammer on the Rock, Talk #1, osho.com

Your Specific Soul Purpose

“According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living on the earth is here for a specific soul purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill. While for some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day. Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.

To discover clues to your own life’s purpose, ask yourself these questions: What makes my heart sing? When in my life do I feel a sense of wonder? In what ways do I feel called to be of service to others? When do I feel closest to God?

The Cayce readings suggest that we are closest to living our soul’s purpose when we feel joyful, when we are in awe of the wonder of life around us, when we are being of service to others, and when we are deeply aware of our connection to God.

In your contemplative or meditation time, ask your higher self, ‘What is my soul’s purpose? Why am I here in the earth at this time?’

Then become aware of the answers that will come to you through that ‘still, small voice’ from within, or through synchronous events, or even through your dreams. Your soul is communicating with you all the time, and its greatest desire is for you to fulfill your purpose for this life experience.”


“Simply by BEing the souls you are, you radiate light out into the world. Just as often we have told you that your light is awakening Earth’s peoples and inspiring them to move forward in manifesting the world they want.  Probably most frequently what we say to you is, ‘Light beings throughout this universe are supporting you with the power of unconditional love all along your Earth journey.’ ” matthewbooks.com  (channeled through Suzanne Ward)

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy – Findhorn Foundation

“Always remember there are many spokes to a wheel but all the spokes lead to the hub. There are many paths in the spiritual life but every path leads to the ultimate goal, to Me the Lord God, to humanity’s realization of their oneness in Me, that we are One and nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us, that I AM in you and you are in Me.

Accept this truth and you behold the perfection of our union. Refuse to see anything less, raise your consciousness until you reach this level of understanding where all is one and there is no duality and know that I AM in all, around all, above all, beneath all, that I AM ALL in ALL. The more you dwell on this the more it becomes a part of you and you live and move and have your being in this truth.”


The Rhythm Of Life

“In life everything is a rhythm. You are happy and then follows unhappiness. Night and day, summer and winter; life is a rhythm between two opposites. When you try to become aware, the same rhythm will be there: sometimes you are aware and sometimes not.

“So don’t create a problem, because you are such experts in creating problems that out of the blue you can create a problem… Always try to understand not to create a problem. Everything pulsates into a rhythm, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Love, and there is hate; awareness, and there is unawareness. Don’t create any problem: enjoy both.

“While aware enjoy awareness, and while unaware enjoy unawareness – nothing is wrong, because unawareness is like a rest. Otherwise, awareness will become a tension….

“And if you can enjoy both you become the third, and that is the point to be understood. If you can enjoy both it means you are neither – neither awareness nor unawareness, you are the one who enjoys both. Something of the beyond enters. In fact, this is the real witness. Happiness you enjoy – what is wrong when happiness has gone and you have become sad? What is wrong in sadness? Enjoy it. And once you become capable of enjoying sadness, then you are neither….

“And then comes the ultimate alchemy, the point where suddenly you realize you are neither – neither happiness nor sadness. You are the watcher – you watch peaks, you watch valleys; you are neither.

“Once this point is attained, you can go on celebrating everything. You celebrate life and you celebrate death. You celebrate happiness, you celebrate unhappiness. You celebrate everything.”

To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Seriousness: The Disease of the Ego